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Parrots are one of the most famous colorful bird pets in the world. They consist of more than 300 species in the wilderness with size and color variances from one specie to another. The are considered the most common birds that are spread throughout the world and are easily identified through their beautiful vivid colors, crests and curved beaks. They are commonly found in continents of Asia, America, Africa and Australia.

he parrot family are classified into two which consist of the true parrots named Psittacidae and the cockatoos which are named Cacatuidae. What we are into right now are the “true parrots” which are commonly or simply called as "Parrots". These birds naturally stand in a sturdy upright position. They have very strong feet and curved bills which easily make them easy to be identified from other birds.
Cebu Zoo Parrot
An Eclectus Parrot in Cebu Zoo.

Most parrots usually eat seeds. Some of them feed on fruits, nuts,small insects and leaves.
Parrot are also among of the most intelligent birds since they can imitate and mimic distinct sounds, words and human voices.
These birds  are highly considered to be one of the best pet for animal lovers. They can amuse grown ups and children with an exceptional number of acrobatic skills like riding a small bicycle, walking through wires and identify shapes and colors.

Parrot birds naturally does not go on the wild alone and normally fly in pairs. They love to be with a mate especially in captivity. They nests on cavities of trees and cliffs on the wild. The number of eggs they lay varies according to specie ranging from 2 to 6 per nesting period with an incubation period of 17 to 35 days.

It is wise to have parrot in pairs if you are planning to be a parrot owner.

You can consider Cebu Zoo a parrot sanctuary since several specie of this birds are  kept in captivity.

An actual photo of a parrot in Cebu Zoo.


Hornbill birds got their name from their unusual large bills that of the musical instrument called the "Horn". These birds are typically intelligent and friendly birds belonging to the Bucerotidae family or the simply the Hornbill Family.

They have a unique characteristic from other birds since they have dual-vertebrae necks which means their necks are composed of  two bones to support their large heavy bills.

One thing peculiar about hornbills is the way they eat since they toss their food or slide it from the tip of their bills to their throats to swallow it. This is because their tongues are too short to manipulate it due to their unproportioned large bills.
Widely found in Asia and Africa, hornbills have more 50 living species today. Some of their species are already in a threatened state and near extinction  due to illegal hunting, illegal logging and captivity that prevent their breeding.

A hornbill bird on a cage in Cebu Zoo.
Hornbills have a distinct characteristics according to specie, they usually differ from size. The smallest of its kind is the Black Dwarf Hornbill that only grows up to 30 centimeter in length and weighs up tp a hundred grams. The largest of the hornbill family is the Southern Ground Hornbill that can stand as much as 4 feet in length and would weigh more than 6 kilograms.
Hornbill birds often fly in flock or in pairs. Majority eat fruits, however, some reportedly eat insects and other small animals.

They have a great contribution to ecology since they usually eat fruit in the wild which means they are seed dispersers which is essential in growing new trees in rainforests.

A female hornbill bird can lay up to 6 eggs in a nest and normally build their nest together with their mates on abandoned nests on some other birds or on existing holes on trees and rocks with a size enough for the female’s body.
A handful of hornbill birds can be found in the backyard portion of Cebu Zoo with captivating long eyelashes.

An actual footage of a Hornbill:

Victoria Crowned Pigeon

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon got its name from the British monarch, Queen Victoria of United Kingdom. Its crests look like crown of the said queen. This pigeon is big in statute and the largest among all other pigeons and is also named a "Weird Turkey". Full growns of this bird measures up to 2.5 feet. With red eyes, its body is covered with blue feathers, blue scaled legs,maroon colored chests and a striking crown-like crests.

The temperament of a Victoria Crowned Pigeon is docile and friendly in nature. It can go well with other birds of different specie if kept in captivity. Unlike other pigeons, they are highly intelligent birds and are easy to tame which makes them one of the best pet pigeon to bird collectors and enthusiasts.

Victoria Crowned Pigeons are believed to outlive feline and canine pets in a household since they can live up to 25 years in captivity and can easily be bred. In captivity they need to have spacious pens enough for them to stretch and have a walk for exercise.
Victoria Crowned Pigeons are known to be a land birds. They feed on seeds, grains, fruits and invertebrates such as worms. They are already on a vulnerable status which means that their conservation status are already in a threatened state due to population decline of being hunted for their meat and feathers.

As a native of the New Guinea region, this bird found its habitat in lowland and swamp forests.Females usually lay a single egg with an incubation period of 30 days. This pigeon can approximately produce up to 3 youngs per year which is being tended for 13 weeks and leaves the nest to independent.

A handful of these pigeons are found in their pens in Cebu Zoo. They can be mistakenly identified as a rare chickens because of their size ans feather color.

Actual Photo of the Victoria Crowned Pigeons in Cebu Zoo.

Philippine Hawk Eagle

Cebu Zoo Philippine Hawk Eagle

The Philippine Hawk Eagle is one of the biggest among the predator birds in the world. It can stand up to 30 inches tall with a wing span that measures twice the length of its body and weighs up to 2 kilograms.This bird has a disctinctive crest on top of their heads consisting of 4 to 5 black feathers which measures up to 8 centimeters long.

Philippine Hawk Eagle
These eagles has a dark brown plummage with whitish chest feathers.Their beaks are colored black and their strong claws are yellowish in color. Their wings are broad and rounded with barred feathers on the underparts.

Philippine Hawk Eagles are endemic in the Philippines. Citations of these birds have been recorded in some major islands in the country including islands of Mindoro, Leyte, Negros, Samar and Bohol.In the past, they have been seen in islands of Siquijor, Biliran and Basilan. Today, their specie can no longer be found easily since their population has dramatically decreased due to deforestation and illegal hunting.

The Philippine Hawk Eagle is scientifically named Nisaetus Philippensis. Its old scientific name was Spizaetus philippensis. Spizaetusis a typical hawk eagle of the birds of prey genus while Nisaetusis a genus of eagles found mainly in Asia. As Nisaetusis a closer name rather than Spizaetus, the scientific name of the said eagle was changed.

Philippine Hawk Eagles are found in mainly in lowland rainforests near sea levels up to midmountain forests. They use their powerful claws to catch their prey while gliding. Being a carnivore, all animals that are smaller from their size are potential preys.

It takes up to 4 years of plumage before a juvenile of this bird turns to adult. The breeding of this raptor are not known to some biologists. It is believed that this eagle lays an egg or two but its incubation period has been undocumented.

Cebu Zoo has this rare bird as one of its main attraction.
A Philippine Hawk Eagle in Cebu Zoo standing proud.

Brahminy Kite

Cebu Zoo Brahminy Kite

Brahminy Kites are medium-sized birds of prey of the family Accipitridae. They are are high flyers which glides 50 meters above ground to hunt. Being naturally a carnivore, they feed on small animals like fish, frogs, rodents, reptiles and sometimes insects.

When hunting on waters, this bird does not dive like other birds of prey when catching fish.They have a unique ability of using their agility and speed to snatch the swimming prey near the water surface using their talons. This predator can sometimes be found scavenging on food scraps near coasts, usually dead animals or attempting to steal food from other predators.

Cebu Zoo Brahminy KiteThe Brahminy Kite found its habitat on mangroves, estuaries and coastal areas on beaches. It can also be found in freshwater wetlands such as marshes and rice fields.

Full sized adults  stand 21 inches. The reddish brown feathers on its body with contrasting white color on its head and chest uniquely identifies this bird from other predator birds.
Aside from having wingtips having colored in black  and legs colored in yellow, they sometimes can be mistaken as an eagle because their talons, beaks and feathers are like that of an eagle.

One interesting fact of a Brahminy Kite is that the male helps the female build their nest during mating season.  It  nests as low as 5 meters from ground. The females can lay up to 2 darkish white eggs which take 25 to 27 days to hatch.

Locally called "Banog" in Cebu. This bird is extremely rare to be found nowadays due to habitat loss. You can find them on the gates of Cebu Zoo, welcoming tourists and zoo visitors.

The video below is an actual footage of a Brahminy Kite devouring a chick on its meal. (Caution: Video contains footage that may cause uneasiness)

Rufous Night Heron

The Rufous Night Heron is also called the Nankeen Night Heron which got its name from the Chinese City Nanking. Nanking originally produce a brownish yellow cotton fabric called "Nankeen" where it has the same color as the breast of the bird, and the word rufous means reddish brown which has its the feather color.

Scientifically named Nycticorax caledonicus, Rufous Night Herons stand frail and awkward.They had  had a reddish brown wings; light brown chest; black crown on the head; and a yellow colored feet and legs. This herons had a slouching posture because of their large head and short neck.

A Rufous Night Heron a dead branch above a river.
The Rufous Night Heron looks weak at daytime. It's because it is more of a night bird and tends to be on the go at night time. It finds its habitat on dead branches with a body of water underneath and mostly in isolated areas of a river, creek or lake covered with tall grasses and dead bushes.  On the wild, this bird is hardly to be seen during daytime. Being nocturnal,it can be found after twighlight preying on fishes, tadpoles, frogs, small reptiles, insects  and some crustaceans. 
The Rufous Night Heron is commonly found in Australia and places in Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines. Adults of this bird stands 2 feet tall. They breed on cool seasons starting September and often ends on late March or early April. They can lay up to five colored light green eggs with an incubation period of 22 days.Fledging period of newly hatched chicks reached up to almost 2 months.

In Cebu Zoo, a pair of these herons can be found in a cage with the male slightly larger than the female.

A pair of Rufous Night Heron in an actual photo shot in Cebu Zoo.